"Put your pen to your paper
Press down on the ink
Then take a short moment
To ponder and think
And Listen real close to your heart's gentle call
Then write every word that you hear,
One and all"
~ Laura Jaworski

Vicki Long's Biography

Life throws all of us a lot of curve balls, but I think that these experiences feed the imagination and let us grow. Writing for me is a way to relax and step away for a time from the stress of normal life. With pen in hand I let the words flow onto the paper and see where the story takes me next. I hope to share my passion for writing with others.
Writing my first book was a lifetime goal. Writing and getting The Destiny Family published took five long years. At the same time I was writing the first two books of The Destiny Family series, I was also working on my Bachelor and Master’s Degrees in Business and Marketing. Three years later, I completed Deadly Perception. Now that I am a retired professor, I have a lot more time to write.
My husband, Matt, and I live in a cottage on a small lake in northern lower Michigan with our Labradoodle, Casey. I hope you enjoy all of my books.